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Thursday, May 13, 2010

homophobic slurs make me want to punch babies.

Generally, I love my job and the people I work with. I was having a pretty amazing day today. It's sunny. There was a man singing Meatloaf songs on the bus. My cube got TP'd. Just generally a really good morning.
However, we were shooting the shit when one of my superiors and someone I like/respect used the word 'faggish.' Immediately all three of us that were present reacted negatively to the comment. She continued talking as though nothing had been said. I called her on it and she got incredibly defensive. The conversation continued and another employee used the term 'tramp stamp' at which point my superior who had made the 'faggish' comment started insisting that if we could say tramp stamp then there couldn't be anything wrong with 'faggish.' At this point the situation became incredibly uncomfortable as I felt something had to be said. I tried to explain that while tramp stamp might not be the most appropriate term it most definitely was not a hate term used to oppress an entire group of people. She then told me 'well I don't think anyone here has a problem with gay people so I don't see why it needs to be a big deal. I'm so sorry if I've offended you." Since then the tension has been pretty noticeable. I definitely feel as though I'm being punished for saying something and the woman who made the comment is in HR. Stupid, hateful comment ruined my morning.

I started writing this before lunch and then went outside in the sun and talked to Melissa and I am again a happy person. However, still not pleased with the situation. And maybe sunburned. But that's kinda good.

Another edit- the next week Glee addressed the use of the very same word. It was incredibly well done. Here is the episode. I very very highly recommend watching it.