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Monday, June 6, 2011


So I started my new job a week ago tomorrow. It's been a whirlwind. Our biggest event of the year is on July 3rd and myself and the new event coordinator have been scrambling to get everything together. We came in when it was part way planned and we're trying to learn a LOT in a really short period of time. I'm exhausted but I think I love it.
I know that when we pull the event off, all the stress will be worth it because we will have made this event that thousands of people will enjoy.

Oh and PS, The Oregon Garden is...wait for it...a garden. And it's beautiful. I took a walk at lunch today and took these pictures. I got a couple of the early peonies but there are TONS more just waiting to bloom. So excited.

As you can see, it was overcast today. But warm, and not raining. I'll take it.


Unknown said...

I love the Oregon garden. So pretty, and you take wonderful photos.