Christmas with my family is pretty low key these days. I spend most of Christmas Eve day wrapping gifts for everyone. We go over to my Grandma's house and eat deviled eggs (or if you're me, crackers dipped in the yolk of the deviled egg), cookies, cheese, crackers, etc and open gifts from extended family. Oh and drink. There's always drinking.
This year, my lovely and amazing cousin Samantha made Camp Ridderbusch T-shirts for the whole family. I can't remember how in-depth, if at all, I've described Camp Ridderbusch but it is an annual gathering of madness and mayhem. It is amazing. All of the cousin's T-shirts say "I understand that you think you are right" which should probably be our family motto. I know it's mine. One of the best gifts, ever.
We spend that time together and then we all go our own ways to celebrate with our immediate family. It's kinda nice to still get that big family get-together but then be able to just go home and celebrate your own way. My family opens gifts on Christmas Eve. We started doing this a few years ago because one or both of my parents was always working on Christmas Day. We go home, make a drink or pour a glass of wine, and sit down to open gifts. I really enjoy our late evening. It was also nice to be somewhere with lots of decorations. My mother (however begrudgingly) covers our house in Christmas decorations every year and since I've been moving during Christmas the last two years I haven't had my own so I really miss them until I'm home.
Below is a picture of my mom's Christmas tree. You can't see it but the woman has something like 5 layers of ornaments on that tree. It took her days and days.

So, we opened gifts. My most exciting score was a variety pack of hot sauce. Seriously, I'm really excited about it. I promptly fell asleep IN my pile of gifts with Joseph. He was tired too. We've been moving and were tuckered out. This isn't him sleeping but it is him being adorable.

My favorite thing about opening presents on Christmas Eve is that we get to just relax and enjoy Christmas day. I slept in and my mom made bloody marys to start the day off properly.

It's all about the food. Mom totally made egg salad sandwiches for lunch, too. Fat and happy, is what I was. We went to see True Grit (always go to the movies on Christmas) and then I drank wine and read my new book until dinner. Note: the book is very interesting. I read it with a highlighter and pen for taking notes.

And for the grand finale...MORE FOOD. My parents made an amazing dinner of ham(which I didn't eat...although it took a lot of willpower. It's usually my cheat of the year.), brussel sprouts, chop salad, and the most amazing scalloped potatoes. Fatter. Happier.

This post is missing the usual quotable moments that my family so obligingly provides for me whenever I'm with them. Those little tid bits are in my notebook at home and will, I promise, be shared.
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