We have a process called “intake” which is basically when someone sends us a project idea and I look up all the census info and put it into a few forms and blah blah blah boring tax credit financing stuff. Anyway, I recently watched Jurassic Park and Independence Day and had Jeff Goldblum on the brain. I was making myself an intake checklist of sorts. I like to spice up documents of that sort with random celebrities or themes. So naturally, I made it Jeff Goldblum’s Intake Checklist. It looks like this:

So, since I made that list, when Audrey has a new deal she’ll email me and say ‘can you run a Jeff Goldblum’ or ‘JG please’. Today, Audrey (who also put the dolphin pictures all over my desk when I first started) needed me to do Intake on a new deal. I opened my email to find Jeff peering at me. No words. Just Jeff letting me know that some intake needs to be done.
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