Probably my favorite thing about the University of Oregon was the A Capella. On the Rocks and their sister-group Divisi perform every Friday afternoon at 4pm in addition to 2-3 larger concerts per year. They put out CDs (I have all of them) and occasionally tour the country. I've been a huge fan since freshman year when a friend of mine joined the group and I dragged the girls from my hall to go see them sing. We were smitten. A group of men singing and dancing and being hilarious. They were just so dreamy. We stuck around for Divisi and they were just incredible. We were hooked and have been ever since. I listen to OTR and Divisi on probably a daily basis.
Recently they headed to the East Coast to perform and decided to Rick Roll the NYC subway. One of the guys took a video and put it on youtube. It went viral and the guys have appeared on morning talk shows and been blogged, tumblr'd, tweeted, and facebook status'd.
Then, they took a video of their newest performance of Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. It's a pretty typical number for them- great vocals and fantastic/hilarious choreography and all of a sudden they're EVERYWHERE. This morning Ashton Kutcher tweeted their video. Joe Jonas apparently did the same.
So guys-congratufuckinglations. How does it feel to be tweeted by one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people (AND Ashton ranks third, only behind Obama and Gaga, on their social media influence index)? This is awesome and you totally deserve it.
You can google them and find more but here are a couple of links:
Rick Rolled
Rick Rolled (more)
OTR on Tumblr
Huffington Post- Gaga
Bad Romance Friday 4pm Performance
ps guys- now that you're big time celebrities...maybe ask someone in the J School to design a better logo.
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