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Monday, April 19, 2010

Beach Bums

Ever since I met my soul mates (in the fall of 2005), part of what makes us, well us, is the occasional last-minute trip to the Oregon Coast. It's monsooning? no worries. We go anyway. We walk up the beach, freeze our asses off, and ask each other questions(and surprisingly, keep learning new things - even after 4 years of non-stop wouldyourathers and ifyouhadtowouldyous). These trips have nearly always been during dead week at school. We needed an escape from our papers, presentations, and finals so we got in the car (sometimes as late as 10pm) and headed to the coast. I guess for people who grew up with warm water beaches and palm trees the Oregon Coast might leave something to be desired but I love it there. We don't have dead week anymore but we do have plenty of things to escape so yesterday we decided that a late afternoon beach trip was in order. Such a good choice. Most of our choices are good choices. Well, some of them are. But this one definitely was. One of the most beautiful days at the beach I've ever seen. And warm. So warm.

And now, time for some throw backs...