And adoring might be an understatement. After hearing almost exclusively negative things about him from my friends-the nicer of which took place in my living room, the less nice of which took place outside my earshot but as is always the case with friends, got back to me- it has been great to hear nothing but how wonderful he is. Because of the inconvenience he has caused me (in the form of pee on my floor, higher rent, and 4:30 AM trips outside to pee, among other things) and because most people in my life also seemed to feel inconvenienced by him, I was sometimes finding myself on the Joey-sucks-bandwagon. I never wanted to give him up. I think it's ridiculous to adopt an animal and then get rid of them because they are an inconvenience. And also I love the shit out of him. But I have been pretty irritated with his existence in the recent past.
I was aware then and am still aware that a lot of his behavioral issues were/are completely my fault. Inconsistent training and frustration instead of patience are the two biggest factors.
Also, he is large. Large and loud. These two things make any behavioral issue feel so much worse. Finch(boyfriend's dog),for example, barks and you nearly melt because it sounds like a little whisper-bark and it's fucking adorable. Joey barks and I want to throw things because it is so loud that it actually hurts my ears. Finch crawls up on your lap and you barely notice/are pleased by the mythical creature in your presence. Joey crawls up on your lap and depending on your mood and his enthusiasm you either have a rather large snuggle buddy or you can't breath because he's crushing your diaphragm.
This is Finch by the way. I know. Adorable.

reasons I love the shit out of my dog
He's ridiculously good looking.
He looks like he might rip your face off and is therefore great for going on runs at night.
He cleans up his own vomit. Judge all you want. It's handy.
He always wants to be next to me-sometimes annoying but mostly adorable.
He wouldn't hurt anyone/anything on purpose. I've seen other dogs attack him and he either tries to play or cowers and yelps. Actually kind of a wuss.
He's an exceptional space heater.
He's an amazing snuggler.
He's quite a runner. I love watching him run at the dog park.
He likes to wear clothes.
He's smart. I know lots of people would disagree. But with the parents' help I'm seeing how fast he can learn things. And also seeing that he plays games/plays dumb when it suits him. Too smart, actually.
He's ridiculously good looking.
He looks like he might rip your face off and is therefore great for going on runs at night.
He cleans up his own vomit. Judge all you want. It's handy.
He always wants to be next to me-sometimes annoying but mostly adorable.
He wouldn't hurt anyone/anything on purpose. I've seen other dogs attack him and he either tries to play or cowers and yelps. Actually kind of a wuss.
He's an exceptional space heater.
He's an amazing snuggler.
He's quite a runner. I love watching him run at the dog park.
He likes to wear clothes.
He's smart. I know lots of people would disagree. But with the parents' help I'm seeing how fast he can learn things. And also seeing that he plays games/plays dumb when it suits him. Too smart, actually.
Photographic evidence of our love affair
Face snuggles

long walks on the beach

protecting me from predators after I pass out

staring lovingly into each other's eyes

just being handsome

awhhh your dog is precious! =)
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