The camera phone is great because it lets you conveniently and even discreetly catch spontaneous moments, pretty things, and what you did last night. I just put all of my phone pictures on my computer in order to clear some space on my phone and thought I'd go on a phone photo journey. It's questionable whether anyone would/should give a shit about any of these things so proceed at your own risk.

This is the Space Room which is a very high quality bar in SE. Notice planet-shaped lights. This might also be a photo of a mullet.

Real life stripper heels sighting on Mardi Gras. Melissa and I went to see Legally Blonde the Musical (which was surprisingly wonderful, btw) and came out of the show to downtown Portland enjoying Mardi Gras.

Saw this on the sidewalk at the bus stop. Made it the background of my phone as a personal reminder.

I don't know if we've been over this but I love cemeteries. This one is in Oregon City and Melissa took me to see it after milkshakes. Good day.

I went with Beth Williams to see Chelsea Handler do stand up. This is her. Ours was her second show of the evening. She was shitty drunk. Like, dropping her microphone and slurring her words drunk. Also, start-your-show-nearly-two-hours-late drunk. Hilarious. Sorta.

Melissa and I had green beer in my apartment for St. Patty's. We were too poor to do anything else. Doesn't it look like there's a little man in the left glass?

So when I get drunk, I sometimes decide that I LOVE PORCHES. There are about 15 pictures of porches on my phone. Some are too dark to really make out but I'm told this has happened several times. I'll get really excited and tell everyone that I want to start collecting pictures of porches.

The two above are from the hike Melissa and I took at Multnomah falls. Highlights: tiny toy gun (pew pew!!) I found and mossy tree/rock that looks like a monkey's face.

Kid Rock rides my bus.

I'm in charge of our volunteer program at work and I planned a trip to the Humane Society last month. Basically you go socialize the animals. For the feline portion of the afternoon, they had each of us choose a room in the cattery. I chose the ones with kitty AIDS. We asked how they end up with kitty AIDS. The guide told us "well in the usual way. Tomcatting around, being promiscuous" Slutty kitties. They were very sweet. But all a little crusty because their immune systems suck. Slutty kitties need love too.

This was sitting in front of me at Easter Dinner. This was not the only decoration with fiber optic lighting that day. Sigh. (ALTHOUGH, remember
those really sweet fiber optic wand things they sold at the fair/circus? I loved those things.)

So I was lost in Winco a few weeks ago (that will probably be the last time I ever go there alone. I was actually lost, as in I was there for a few hours because I couldn't find anything that I needed and then couldn't figure out how to get out.) and saw these. I didn't buy this cereal but I regret it. It's like funfetti cookie crisp. That just SOUNDS happy.

I shadowed this guy in Target for quite a while trying to get a picture of him in his beautiful sweater and plaid fanny pack. It wasn't until we were in line checking out that I was able to sneak a photo.

Melissa and I were out and about killing time before kickball one day and saw some smoke. So, naturally we drove to the smoke. An old book store had caught fire in SW. It was crazy smokey. We watched the fire for at least an hour. And we were on the news for like 10 seconds.

So, remember that entry where I talked about tots and egg salad sandwiches. This is from that night. Mission. Accomplished.

Tiny Japanese man on the bus with his patriotic love socks.

This was my second encounter with this man. He plays the harmonica, but it's not a harmonica. It's a comb with a plastic bag on it. Same diff. Told me and Melissa not to be sluts on our birthdays, on Mardi Gras.

Bloody Mary in a tiki glass at the Yummy Garden which is an american movie/pop culture themed Chinese restaurant across the street from Melissa's new place. Had to add significant amounts of Tabasco to this but it ended up being pretty delicious.

On the Rocks. See previous entries. Swoon.

First time this happened to me. Reminds me of the part at the end of Grease when the car flies off into the distance.

We recycle our batteries and the folks who come pick them up told me that ODOT rules specify that they must all have their ends taped as dead/nearly dead batteries can charge each other when jingle jangling about in a box and this can cause an explosion. Apparently it has happened before. Who knew? So I got paid to tape batteries for about two hours.

This is the fabric on the seats on the bus. Two things baffle me about this.
1-someone designed this pattern. As in, this is someone's artistic expression and probably their claim to fame.
2- someone else then PICKED this. I mean, at some point someone looked at this pattern and though "that's the one!"
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