Remember when I said I was collecting pictures of Chandeliers like 3 months ago? Well, it's true!

This one was posted before. It's the chandelier at backstage but this is a much better picture I think. At least, I like it better.

My little brother sent me this one. It's in the Red Lion Hotel in Salem.

This one is hanging in the accessory shop, Zida, in the VRC in Eugene.

I'm pretty sure this one is in Kells...I should put notes on these pictures when I take them.

This is at a lovely pizza place on Hawthorne that I can't remember the name of right now. It's not a typical chandelier but I think it counts.

Black chandelier at Bridgetown Pizza across from the train station.

The bathroom chandelier at Jameson's (where everybody knows your name) in Eugene.
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