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Monday, February 8, 2010


I decided yesterday that I am going to collect Chandeliers. Well, pictures of Chandeliers. Probably not professional ones though. Just pictures that I take with my phone...of chandeliers that I see.Yeah. I have two so far and one that I forgot to take a picture of last night. It's in my friend's living room though so don't even worry chandelier-collection-gods, I got this.
One is from the Crystal Ballroom.


The other is from Backstage at the Baghdad Theater.

And in related news, I started a flickr for my photos of Portland. It's a beautiful and really interesting city and I'm trying to remember to take pictures of it. I'm no photographer so they aren't very good but still fun to have. These won't generally be pictures of myself or of my friends in portland (That's what facebook is for, after all) just of the city itself. Flickr name is mridderb if anyone is interested (slash, if anyone reads this besides melissa and michelle? I don't care, btw, if anyone else reads this. I mean, if you were wondering, non-readers- I don't care. So, there.)


Carolyn said...

I read it! I do! I do!!

Miss you, Mary. Do I ever...

Michelle Schraudner said...

I take pictures of MT! We can be flickr friends!