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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vulgar appreciation for the opposite sex.

Loving. Loving. LOVING the new ad campaign for Old Spice. The clever part about it is they aren't just marketing to men...they're also marketing to women who control what their men smell like. It's fantastic and hilarious and he's beautiful. I'm on a horse.

Old Spice Youtube Channel. DO it.
"We're not saying this body wash will make your man smell into a romantic millionaire jet fighter pilot, but we are insinuating it. "yeah fucking right. fantastic.

splendid video captions:
What's better than seeing a hot girl on a beach? Nothing. Nothing is better. Maybe nachos. A hot girl lying on nachos. But that's impossible.

Don't smell like sunsets and baby powder. Smell like jet fighters and punching.

How many scents does Old Spice make? How does 4 million sound? Also, how does 12 sound?

Thank you, Wieden & Kennedy, thank you.