Sometimes you go through your whole life thinking that the things you do are normal- or at least normal ish. Then you find out that nobody else wants to go see Sugar Ray at the casino(seriously guys I still don't get this) or you innocently mention that a buttered cinnamon pop tart would be delicious right about now and then people who you thought were your friends turn out to be butter hating jerks.
Luckily, you will have another friend who is like "well, duh. Is there any other way?" and then you'll look at each other and make a face that says seriously what is wrong with these people?
This turned into quite a debate so naturally I asked the internet what it thought.
First of all- buttering pop tarts has a facebook page. Which means it's a real thing.
Also, Jessica Simpson did it when she was pregs. Don't know if that makes it more or less legit.
This message board is dedicated to the question- to butter or not to butter. But then there are sub-debates. If you butter, do you butter on the frosted or unfrosted side (I go frosted) and which flavors are best buttered (cinnamon and smores)?
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