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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Camp Ridderbusch

Even though I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked at Camp Ridderbusch this year, it was still great to be there. Had drunken silly fun with family on the first night and a couple really nice last-two-at-the-campfire-nights with Pat. He and I also found a really great little beach with starfish and sunshine and a quirky little stairway leading down to it. Scrabble with my aunt, singing disney songs with my cousins and brother, and getting to hang out with my uncles were a few highlights.
Queen's Bicycle was playing.
Cousin time. My brother's hair is getting RIDICULOUS.


scar said...

this may seem a bit odd. but i stumbled across your blog while googling 'mustard chevron'. the phrase 'for realsies' caught my attention because i use probably 14 thousand times a day

after scrolling through. i think you and i may be more the same person than not. i am also 24. i am also from portland. i also have old lady knuckles:) i also belong in a more creative environment. i could go on and on.

i also think your blog is awesome.