...I got fired. For real. That happened. A little over a month ago.
I'm not the girl that gets fired, just so we're clear. I'm the girl that gets promoted within the first couple months and is admired and loved by everyone. Maybe not everyone but mostly everyone.
I wanted to wait to write about it until I found something else. And hey-o, guess who just got a job offer today?
So let's start at the part where I go to work just like any other day and at 3pm on a Friday I go in for a standard meeting with my boss and he tells me that the management staff has decided to 'terminate the relationship'. Wiki-what? My stomach basically fell onto the floor. If someone had asked me before that meeting if I thought I was getting fired I would have laughed. laughed my ass off even.
He told me that they all loved me but that I wasn't the right fit, that I should be doing something more creative.
Well, duh. I know that. Administrative assistant isn't exactly my calling. In all honesty though I felt like I was a good employee. But I wasn't excited about my job, and I guess it showed.
My first thought was-how embarrassing. I was going to have to tell my parents. And Pat. And like I said, this stuff just isn't supposed to happen to me. So first I freaked out not about losing my job, but about telling people that I'd lost my job.And then I moved on to the whole 'nobody can get a job right now and I'm going to have to live in a cardboard box.'
And then I cried, and spent the last two hours of the day scrambling to help my supervisors pull things together so that they would be able to run the office without me. The thing about my job was that nobody really knew how to do about half of it besides me. So I made lists and instruction sheets and tried my best to make sure that UFA could function on Monday- all the while trying to pack up my desk (SO much stuff. I'm a nester) and not break down as people came over to say goodbye. My friend Melissa came to pick me up(and brought me a care package of tissues, cherry sours, pepsi, and other things. She's wonderful) and since we'd already had a night of drinking planned, we picked up Jason and started drinking. So I freaked out for a couple hours and then decided 'well that happened.' and got excited about spending more time with Pat and crafting and playing with Joey. And it was a silly not sad night of everyone telling me how jealous they were of my impending free time.
I applied for unemployment and did those things. I decided that I wouldn't be applying for any jobs I didn't actually WANT to do unless things got desperate. So I started looking for event coordinating jobs and full time serving positions. Event coordinating is something that I enjoy doing and hope to make a career of and serving is just something that I feel at home doing. The last thing I wanted to apply for is Administrative Assistant-ing. Firstly, I'm apparently terrible at it. And secondly, sitting at a desk all day is soul crushing. After working as a personal assistant (the craziest job I've ever had) I thought I wanted to sit at a desk and have a 'normal job.' Turns out I hate it.

So I applied for an event coordinator position at the Oregon Gardens in Silverton. They had a part time and a full time position available. I didn't hear for a couple weeks and had gotten a little excited about taking the summer off on unemployment. And of course, the moment I settled into this idea they called for an interview and after about a week they offered me the part time position, in addition to a second part time position in their catering department handling weddings and private events. So, between the two jobs I'll be full time there. And I couldn't be more excited, even though I won't be taking the summer off. I'm still moving back to Portland when we get our ducks in a row, and that will mean lots of driving but I'm positive it will be worth it.
So that's my story about how I got fired and then got an awesome job 6 weeks later.

Congrats on the new gigs! It worked out perfectly, indeed!
I really enjoyed this post! It's amazing how certain things work out in your favor: now you get to do a job you've always wanted! :) Good luck on your new job! <3
Thank you ladies!
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