The dishwasher at work has broken. I asked the google and it told me that I may have a tripped overfill sensor. You see, the damned thing just keeps running water through the filter. Can't get it to stop unless I turn off the breaker. So then I asked the building handy man. He said it was the control board because he couldn't get the lights and buttons to respond (and suggested calling a repair main. pishaw!) but I knew because the google told me that the flashing little glass probably meant that the overfill sensor was activated so it won't let you press buttons because it thinks your dishwasher is flooding your house. So, me and the google got him on that one. Called the manufacturer and sure enough, they agree with me and google. So, Leticia (the nice lady with the southern accent on the phone) sent me instructions on how to do it myself. They look very easy.
Obstacle 1: Weird ass screws. They require a Torx screwdriver. The look a lot like this:
So I called the building maintenance guys and they let me borrow their fancy dancy screwdriver, which is awesome by the way. And I want one. Bad. It's 15 in 1 and it ratchets. Not sure if ratchet is just a noun or if it's a verb too but I verbed it. So, yeah.

This is the screwdriver. And uh, the earring I had to remove so that I could press my face against the ground to properly see under the dishwasher with which I am engaged in battle.
But, first problem solved.
Obstacle 2: This dishwasher was not meant to fit where it is. So, when they installed it, they took off the usual toe panel (that part on the bottom that you can usually pull off to get to the guts) and instead screwed this weird metal frame thing around it. So, I have to remove weird metal frame thing. I sliced my fingers open doing it and it took me at least a half hour and some dishwasher wrestling to figure out how but I got the damned thing off. Victory.
Obstacle 3: My screwdriver is toooo big. Not the bit. The bit is the right size, and the correct funky ass shape. But there are only about 3 inches between the ground and the screw going up into the dishwasher that I must remove so that I can remove a panel so that I can get inside and...
sponge a little bit of water out of the drip pan. Yes, that's all I supposedly need to do in order to correct this issue.
So, I called several hardware stores looking for an L-key torx thingy. Sortof like an alan wrench...but with a torx end instead of an alan end. Nobody carries it. So I just ordered it for 2 dollars. And paid eight dollars to ship it. If this doesn't work then I will break down and call the repair man. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the victor.
First of all: I think it is just perfect that you are going about this particular issue in this particular, very-Mary way. Love it.
Second of all: My students use "ratchet" as both a noun and an adjective. However, here in Oakland, "ratchet" means "inappropriate, dirty, hella ghetto" or a person who is those things (e.g. "These ratchety tricks and their ratchet fighting make me crazy!"
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