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Thursday, July 17, 2008

The petshop lied to me.

I mentioned my baby, winston. I've been feeling picture happy so I wanted to put some pictures of him on here. I would like to start however, by explaining that he was supposed to be a dwarf rabbit. When I bought him, he could sit on the palm of one hand. The woman at the pet store told me he wouldn't get much bigger than that and she lied. a lot.
Winston's favorite foods are electrical cords and carpet. His favorite game is 'the floor is lava' which is why we've had to arrange a series of carpet islands on our hardwood floors. behold his cuteness.

Baby Winston. He was painfully adorable then.

This is Winston being very unhappy. We took him camping at the beach and he had to wear a harness.Winston in his shirt. I got a lot of shit for making him wear it. And for buying it in the first place. whatever, he looks stunning.

Ha, for size comparison. The first picture gives you a bunny-near-head size comparison, and in this picture you can see he has AT LEAST doubled in size.