I've been at my job a year now, and also at my house for a year with Jason, James, and Melissa. Our lease will be up at the end of this month. Which means that I'll be moving the first week of July, which also happens to be the same time I have a concert/5,000 person event to run. Packing and pulling this together at the same time, for the second year in a row. And I'm whiney and quite grumpy about it.
It's fun re-learning every year (or less) that you're kindof a hoarder and that also, packing takes a lot of time. And that you have SO MUCH stuff, and that the only things you want to find are lost forever because you've moved 11 times in the last 7 years.
Fall 2005- I move out of my parents house into world, also known as Sweetser Hall at UO
Spring 2006- Hey Mom and Dad!
Fall 2006- I'm an RA. Totally have my own room. In McCallister Hall at UO. This is awesome.
Summer 2007- Move into an apartment next to Campus with Patrick. I get a bunny.
Summer 2008- I move into what is referred to as "The little yellow house" which is sorely missed and was a wonderful little house. Alder and 25th in Eugene. I get Joey the dog.
Summer 2009- I move into the Polk house in Eugene, which is clearly haunted. The bunny dies. Joey has nothing to do with his demise. It is more likely the spirits of children trapped in this creepy house.
Winter 2009- I move to Portland, and hang out on Melissa's couch for a few weeks.
later Winter 2009- I move into my studio on NE 24th and Sandy in Portland. It is adorable. I love it. It is so expensive that I eat canned vegetables for dinner for about a year.
Winter 2010- I become a statistic and move back in with my parents in Salem.
Spring 2011- I move back to Portland and live in a house off of Terwilliger. The house has cardboard walls and glittery ceilings.
Spring 2012 (now)- I move into a basement apartment with Pat at SE 36th and Division. I gain a small step-dog.