Last night I saw Ingrid Michaelson at the Roseland. The Roseland is a venue that, for an all ages show(I don't know why those exist), lets the adults go up into the seats on the balcony with alcohol access and puts the kids on the floor. I was working of course so my room mates went early to get a spot. Plan was to sit at the adult table but a ginger who won't be mentioned has an expired ID so we were relegated to the floor. However, because they got there early we were right down in front and ever so close to Ingrid.
I used to be all about the floor and there are still circumstances where that is true- mostly circumstances that don't involve standing on cement floors for 4 hours.
The point is it was lovely to be so close to my future baby mama, to hear the little things she said off the mic- which were usually about how awesome portland/the audience was- but my old ass hurts today. A lot.
Ingrid is adorable and hilarious and kept getting all ferclempt about selling out the Roseland and everyone singing along with her and just generally about performing I think. It's so fun to see someone play who is genuinely touched/honored that people love her music. Also her voice is amazing and she's amazing and I want her babies.
I am no photographer but I just couldn't resist.
Ingrid rocking hard on a Ukelele. Yep. |
Group singalong of You and I. |
Anyone reading this not already familiar with Ingrid? Download all of her albums. Stat.